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Detoxing Does Not Mean Starving Yourself

If you have been on the diet front recently, you may have heard of detox diets. Detox diets are popping up everywhere and are claiming to be the next big thing in weight loss and healthy living. However, there are many questions about detoxing, such as, “Do they work?” and “Are they safe?” The primary concern many people have is that cleansing or detoxifying means starving.

While there are many types of detox programs, not all involve going on liquid diets or giving up foods you consume on a daily basis. There are detox programs available that allow for raw vegetables, lean and clean, and a variety of fresh fruit. When the food factors are scaring you from cleansing or detoxing, you need to consider these following reasons why eating foods while detoxifying does not mean you are cheating and doing it wrong:

Limiting “delinquent” foods

It is fine to eat food while detoxing, but keep in mind that there are foods that are permitted and there are foods that are not. There are foods that you need to avoid while detoxing, such as alcohol, red meat, gluten, caffeine, and dairy. These types of foods are considered the biggest culprits for causing hormone imbalance and autoimmune reactions; getting rid of them is essential to start the cleaning process.

What is more, once you remove these offending foods from your daily diet, your body will be capable of processing other foods more easily and can better convert it into clean, long-lasting energy. When your body is using less energy on digestion, you will feel lighter and invigorated as your body hums along like a well-oiled machine.

Substitute Some Foods with Smoothies and Shakes for a Balanced Detoxification

In addition to limiting or avoiding offending foods, a balanced detoxification also takes into account a little help from supplements or shakes. Several detox programs suggest buying a non-dairy protein powder that does not have whey but is a water-soluble fibre blend.

The premise behind detox is that the body is full of toxins, some coming from the foods you eat. A basic detox diet will have one fast for a specific period of time, meaning you’ll not eat at all. Then, you will eat specific foods that are considered free from toxins, totally refraining from other foods like red meat, sugar, eggs, and wheat.  Some detox programs also call for a cleansing process during which colonics, enemas, or organic colon cleansers are used.

It is essential to know that a detox isn’t intended for losing weight; their intent is to cleanse the body from harmful toxins.  The objective should not be to lose weight but to have a clean and healthy colon. Detoxing doesn’t mean starving yourself. You can eat any foods that don’t fall into the “bad” category.”

HEALTH YOURSELF 3 Day Cleansing Pack.

My 3-Day smoothie and soup cleaning pack is designed to nourish your body with detoxifying nutrients, encouraging your body to detox naturally with the assistance of nature. The idea is to nurture your liver, boost your immune system, break toxic habits and fill your cells with nutrient dense foods packed with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. Soups and smoothies are easy to digest so great for your gut health. No counting calories feel satisfied and give your body the chance to rebuild and recharge.

I have personally compiled each pack. All foods are Gluten, Dairy, Sugar Free and totally Vegetarian.

I hope to hear from you soon and get you started on a simple and effective 3 day cleanse.

Yours in health,


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