There are times to build the body and there are times to cleanse it. Each season supplies us with foods to support our bodies. I believe that after each season and on entering a new one we should do a mini “cleanse/detox” to get rid of any toxins that have accumulated over that time and to start fresh.
This is a wonderful salad recipe for just that reason and will improve liver function and detoxification.
Beetroots are wonderful for improving liver function and detoxification. Improves blood flow and lowers blood pressure.
Green Apples contain Malic acid which can dissolve both kidney and gall stones but wonderful for weight loss.
Ginger, powerful ani-inflammatory
Red Cabbage, pre-biotic and great for weight loss, boosting your immune system and gives a wonderful crunch. Rich in fibre & anti-oxidants.
Fennel – this highly aromatic vegetable has been used for centuries to ease digestive distress. Fennel binds lipid (fat) substances in the intestines so that the body absorbs fewer triglycerides. It improves cellular metabolism, is a natural diuretic, and detoxifier.
1 whole raw beet, peeled, grated
1 green apple, cored, grated
1/2 fennel bulb, thinly sliced
1 teaspoon freshly grated ginger
1/2 small red cabbage, thinly sliced
juice of 1 lemon plus 1/4 tsp of lemon zest
equal amounts of olive oil as lemon juice
two pinches sea salt
Place everything into a mixing bowl.
With a zester, peel 1/4 tsp of zest before you squeeze the lemon for juice.
Juice the lemon and add an equal amount of olive oil to the lemon juice.
Add a couple of pinches of sea salt and whisk the olive oil and lemon.
Toss the dressing into the salad.